If you want to volunteer as an individual or as a group, whether it’s for a limited time, once a month, or once a week, please fill out the corresponding form below to let us know! After you send in your form, our Volunteer Coordinator, Larissa Lomeli, will be in touch to answer any questions and see which opportunity best fits your interests and schedule. You can contact her directly at [email protected] or call 574-295-3673 ext 112.
Volunteer Opportunities

Direct Training
Networking Interviews – Each of our participants research various potential careers. During that phase, they are asked to conduct a short phone interview with someone who is currently working in that same field. If you would be willing to share your insights and answer a few questions, (15-30 minute phone interview) please contact us and we will add you to our pool!
Mock Interviewing – Human Resource professionals that could help do mock interviews and give feedback to participants.
Sewing Work Days
If you are an experienced sewer and would like to help us create beautiful, one-of-a-kind products out of upcycled materials – we would love your help! We need people who can cut, sew liners and sew on buttons.
Volunteer Work Times
Join us at one of our volunteer work days or evenings and help us package soup, cookie, and dip mixes for the Soup of Success program to sell.
Graduate/Reunion Nights
Childcare: Help the childcare team watch Soup of Success women’s children at quarterly reunion nights Contact us for scheduling and directions.
Meal Providers: Provide a meal for a reunion night or graduation (approximately 100 people).

If a woman enters the Soup of Success program without a high school diploma or equivalency, she is required to enter into HSE classes. This can be an intimidating feat for some and a little extra help getting through the tough spots can make all the difference. Tutoring can be done anywhere at your mutual convenience.
The more Soup of Success Products that are sold, the more women we can positively impact. Please help!
Carry Our Products in Your Store – Do you own a gift shop or grocery store? Know someone who would be willing to carry Soup of Success products? Contact Betsy Ayrea at [email protected] for wholesale price lists and other information.
Browse & Buy – Schedule your own “Browse & Buy” over the lunch hour to feature SOS products for sale…your place or ours? All we need is a table and some interested people.
Holiday Deliveries – The holidays get hectic around here and we could use some cheerful delivery people to help deliver Gift Baskets! This is a great job as everyone is thrilled to receive one of our gift baskets.
Product Development – If cooking is your passion and tweaking recipes is your thing, give us a call. We would be happy to partner with you on the development of future products!